


StatRating is an interface addon to display the physical and magical effects of attributes.
Whereever a tooltip is given, StatRating injects a detailed description of every attribute available.
Most data should be exact or very close to current v2.12.1944 client's data. Anyways data may change with every minor update!


   StatRating v1.02.134

V1.02.134 author: snoopycurse
Manager: shadeCut
Authors: cooper1988, puschk1n, snoopycurse

Version: v1.02.134
v1 is main version
.02 for fixes or addded functions
.134 for fixed values.


    What is it about


StatRating is an interface addon to display the physical and
magical effects of attributes.

Whereever a tooltip is given, StatRating injects a detailed
description of every attribute availablesuch as:
   * dexterity to physical damage
   * dexterity to physical accuracy
   * dexterity to physical dodge
   * intelligence to magical damage
   * intelligence to mana points
   * intelligence to physical damage
   * stamina to health regeneration
   * stamina to health points
   * stamina to physical defense
   * strength to health points
   * strength to physical damage
   * wisdom to magical defense
   * wisdom to mana points
   * wisdom to mana regeneration
   * wisdom to physical defense

ie: You can see which effect strength has on your rogue.

In addition the addon shows the DPS of weapons.

All values are checked on low or middle level character and
shouldn't far from those from the game. Anyways I'm not sure
to really understand all details, and the possibility that some
values are not exact stiff exists.
ie: If the game uses 3.195, I'll rather find 3.2!

Note that every small update of the game may change the values...

If you find a new or different correlation between two attributes
or stats, please let us know.

Please write a ticket on StatRating board at


    Using StatRating - Configuring StatRating


Using StatRating is really straitforward. the output is
added to the tooltip off weapons, trinklets, or armors pieces.
A comparision to alreaddy equiped item is also available if

Type "/sr rate" or "/sr off" to deactivate the addon.

Configuring StatRating is quitte simple, too. To open the window,
just type "/src", or use AddonManager. You'll choose witch piece
off information will be shown or not. Settings are save for each
character individually.

Original owner of addon is shadecut

