Marvin Seo's Amphitheater District Mod

Marvin Seo's Amphitheater District Mod


This mod adds the Ampthitheater District Building, a Building that is exclusive to the Lamia and Thrall Class Mods This mod should only be activated if you plan to play with both Districts and the Lamia and/or Thrall Class Mods enabled, otherwise your game may crash. I hope you enjoy my mod! :)

The Bonuses for building the Amphitheater District are:
+10% Healing Skills
+10% Stress Healed
+10% Move Skill Chance

This mod is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook Studios Inc. is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may result from using the mod. Furthermore, “Darkest Dungeon” and the Darkest Dungeon logo are trademarks of Red Hook Studios Inc. All content in the game is Copyright Red Hook Studios Inc. All rights reserved.