


AbilityDamageOverriddenRule does not allow setting of splashDamage and critSplashDamage

jimconner opened this issue ยท 3 comments


When attempting to adjust AoE abilities such as Whirlwind and Charge, changes applied with AbilityDamageOverriddenRule do not work correctly. The card shows the correct values for targetDamage and critDamage but the damage dealt to enemies is unchanged from the defaults.

Upon investigation it appears that the the AoE attacks for Whirlwind and Charge are dealing splashDamage and critSplashDamage to enemies. The AbilityDamageOverriddenRule does not currently allow for setting of these fields.

Thanks to The Gray Alien for reporting this issue.


At first thought, three approaches come to mind. In no particular order:

  1. Extend the 2-element array to 4-element array, where each of the 4 types of damage are specified.
    • Pros: Single rule
    • Cons: It will be tricky for users to specify, for example, splash and crit splash damage while not wanting to specify regular damage.
  2. Modify the rule to accept a struct type, rather than a list/array. For example, like PieceProperty in PieceConfigAdjustedRule.
    • Pros: Users may specify only the damage types they want.
    • Cons: Additional verbosity in ruleset configs. I.e., no longer [3, 6], but rather { TargetDamage = 3, CritDamage = 6 }
  3. Create a separate rule for splash damage.



I think that option 2 is the best one. Not all attacks have splash damage, so having to specify a list of 4 numbers would be confusing. I don't think that the verbosity in the ruleset is too much of a con.


Just wondering if it might have been easier to change this rule to be Adjusted instead of Overridden? Then you could go with option 1 and use 4 parameters because if you want no damage change you just put in a 0 instead of having to define the damage number.