


CardLimitModified hides cards after more than 11

DSquitz opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Demeo - PC Version 1.14.150570
House-Rules 1.3 unreleased alpha (provided by Fecn via discord 10th May, 2022)

Single Player Skirmish, ruleset included
"Rule": "CardLimitModified",
"Config": 20
After a character acquired more than 11 cards, that character's hand was no longer visible. Upon completion of the floor, the shop shows character as having 11/20 cards in hand even though there were 13 cards in hand. Cards could be bought and sold. Unable to verify that after reducing character to 11 or less cards would restore hand as 2 characters failed to become ready despite clicking that button and the game moving on. Possibly due to those characters having too many cards in hand.


You're the first person to test this on the PC version - Thank you for the feedback.