13 Mods
1.4k DownloadsSet your own challenges and be the Dungeon Master of your own game. Make your own rules and challenge your friends.
533 DownloadsDisplays the list of public rooms, allowing you to pick which one to join.
MuKen's Informational Mod
485 DownloadsPlay with a bunch of QOL informational augmentations, including LOS, enemy stats, and more!
454 DownloadsSkips the intro loading scene.
Who Said That
380 DownloadsPlayer figurines will now shake when their players are talking
Discord Social Provider
251 DownloadsAdds social intergration with Discord
250 DownloadsSet your own room code.
Unbound WorldView
245 DownloadsGrab the world and freely tilt it in any direction!
Unbound WorldView PC
237 DownloadsFreely tilt the camera with right mouse button
Secret Service Earpiece
175 DownloadsPush-to-talk for VR! Hold your hand up to the side of your headset to chat.
116 DownloadsJust a simple clock.