Agencies Plus

Agencies Plus


If you love the stories that Career Mode can generate, give these eight new agencies a try. Put satellites in orbit for a spy agency, ferry military personnel across the solar system, and help a secretive religion find their giant, squid-like god. Installation instructions in README.txt.

 Bobro-Ignacia-Gerlie First Investment Bank

Bobro-Ignacia-Gerlie First Investment Bank, or BIGFIB, recently came into existence with the merger of Kerbin's three largest moneylenders. BIGFIB recently gained notoriety for popping the housing bubble, which was the world's largest indoor soap bubble, before it could be recorded by Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society. The mega-bank turns to your space program for theoretical research into exactly how much money they would have to make to stack it to the moon, and the feasibility of storing money on airless, and thus thief-proof, moons. They loathe the Protocol Inspector General for investigating every little case of nickel and diming hardworking Kerbals.

Corps of Engineers

The Corps of Engineers are in many ways the forefathers of the space program's tendency to throw engineering at the wall to see what sticks. They build and operate the tanks, ships, and airplanes that police Kerbin's land, sea, and air. The Corps is well liked by your kerbonauts for recovering them with para-rescue crews no matter where on Kerbin they touch down. Though the more peaceful of the two military branches, they despise the Church of the Kraken for using their dark arts to blow up the Corps' beloved machines.

 Church of the Kraken

Though most religions on Kerbin involve a worship of explosions, Jebediah Kerman, or both, the Church of the Kraken follows an ancient and vengeful god they call the Kraken. This mythical beast is blamed for all of the problems with your rockets, with kerbonauts cursing its name whenever their sturdy ship unexpectedly explodes into a million pieces. The Church turns to your space program in the hopes of finding and resurrecting the avatar of their Kraken god, which is rumored to be entombed somewhere in the solar system. They hate the Corps of Engineers, who they believe anger the Kraken with their big, over engineered contractions.

 Kerbal Intelligence Agency

The KIA is Kerbin's [REDACTED] intelligence community. Using their extensive collection of spies, [REDACTED], wiretaps, and [REDACTED], they keep tabs on allies and enemies alike. They see great promise in your space program, with which they can launch [REDACTED] satellites to monitor everyone and everything at an even more [REDACTED] efficiency. Their tendency to redact, classify, and [REDACTED] everything keeps them at odds with the 'open and honest' League of Places.

 League of Places

The League of Places bills themselves as a place of peace, where Kerbals of all nations can come together to resolve crises through very long meetings. Critics claim that the boredom and inefficiency of these meetings drive participants to more violence than the organization prevents. The League hopes to use your space program to bring their message of peace and cooperation to the stars. Tensions between the League and the KIA run high due to their differences in defining terms like 'privacy', 'basic rights', and 'extralegal assassinations'.

 National Guard

The National Guard composes one half of Kerbin's military alongside the Corps of Engineers. They are the 'weekend warriors', giving up their free time to protect Kerbals from those who would threaten their freedom to build and fly unsafe rockets. They believe the people always come first and spend most of their deployments helping Kerbals rebuild after natural disasters (where 'natural' frequently means 'rocket induced'). They grudgingly ask for help from the space program, though their people-focused image means you are equally likely to be conducting reconnaissance for dangerous People's Front cells as the locations of kittens stuck in trees.

 People's Front of Kerbin

The People's Front of Kerbin, not to be confused with the Kerbin People's Front, is the loudest and most famous Kerbal resistance group around. They are anti-war, anti-tax, anti-government, anti-corporate, and occasionally anti-antipasto. They were also anti-aerospace until they discovered KSP administrators would accept contracts paid for with 'liberated' stacks of cash. Fanatically hostile against, but largely a nuisance to, the National Guard - that is, unless you decide to entertain their contracts.

 Protocol Inspector General

The Office of the Protocol Inspector General has an eye for precise conformity to the law and a mind for encyclopedic memorization of the countless regulations they enforce. They see great promise in offering your space program contracts to ensure everyone and everything on and off Kerbin is in full compliance with every health, safety, workplace, food, financial, and legal regulation on the books. The acronym of the Protocol Inspector General may be PIG, but vocalizing that may get you hit with tickets for violations of regulations you didn't even know existed. They look down on the Bobro-Ignacia-Gerlie First Investment Bank above all others, which chafes under their scrutiny.