ASET Portable Rover Components

ASET Portable Rover Components


PRC is a kit to assemble a rover “on location”. It is meant from the start to be packaged into KAS containers as small, portable modules that are unfolded and assembled upon delivery. New high tech materials and cunning construction explain the minimal packaging volume and mass of parts.

The kit consists of:

1. Base platform -- the chassis of the rover that all other components attach to, which can be populated with mission-specific equipment as desired.

2. Bumper -- contains a solar panel and batteries, and can also serve for mounting mission-specific equipment.

3. Wheels -- unique foldable wheels, which actually consume far less container volume than they would otherwise and allow to assemble the rover directly on the ground without explosions.

4. Crew seat -- contains a built-in battery, must be unfolded before use.

PRC Parts Overview

A short video, demonstrating rover assembly:

"PRC" forum thread for bug reporting and suggestions.

KAS is required.

AdvancedAnimator is required.

Thanks to Mihara for the original idea of foldable on-location assembled rover as well as help and support.