Atmospheric Sound Enhancement

Atmospheric Sound Enhancement


Adds the effects of the density, temperature and relative speed of the atmosphere to craft sounds. When breaking the sound barrier, muffled sounds (or optionally no sounds) will be heard when the camera is outside of the shock cone. When passing through the cone, you can hear the shockwave. When leaving the atmosphere, the sound gradually fades to muffled (or optionally nothing) in vacuum. Internally, sounds can always be heard but are muffled.
The stock game's condensation effects are now visible when travelling at transonic velocities. The plasma re-entry effects are visible when travelling at hypersonic velocities, regardless of altitude.

Source included, also available on GitHub.

Currently engines using the new effects system (RAPIER, engines from the ARM Pack and the HotRockets, CoolRockets and SmokeScreen mods) are unsupported, though this may be fixed in a future version.

For the latest update news, check the forum page.