


basaGC is a implementation of parts of the Apollo Guidance Computer for KSP. basaGC is not a plugin, it is a standalone application written in Python, using the awesome Telemachus mod for communication with KSP.

Some screenshots:

The intent of this application is to mimic, wherever possible, the operation of the AGC. I have spent quite a bit of time looking over old NASA manuals to try and determine how the AGC operated, and I generally strive for realism. However KSP is no CSM, so basaGC has been adapted to suit use for KSP. For the most part, historical accuracy has been achieved (I think), based on limited and sometimes contradictory source material.

While basaGC is far from complete, some functionality has been completed, and the framework laid for more guidance and navigation features. There are also probably bugs and missing/inoperative features. basaGC continues to evolve, but feel free to comment on suggestions, bug fixes or other improvements.

Please file any bug reports, feature requests etc over on the Github project site, or on the thread on KSP forums here.

Happy Navigating!

the team from basa