Basic Orbit

Basic Orbit


Basic Orbit adds three information panels to the flight scene, one with Orbital information, another with Target information, and a third with Maneuver node information. Each panel has multiple readout modules that can be controlled through the settings window. The panel background transparency and UI scale can also be adjusted.

Each panel's readout modules are displayed only when the information is valid or may be useful, so they are constantly adjusted based on your current flight situation.

All of the available readout modules can be toggled. Under the standard settings the readout modules are displayed or hidden based on your current situation and the need for each readout. For instance, orbital parameters don't really mean anything when you are landed, and terrain height or radar altitude are not so important in orbit. The target panel modules are displayed dependent on the type of target, celestial body or vessel.

This mod is also meant to serve as an example and tutorial (which is forthcoming) for using the Unity 4.6 UI. It is built entirely with that system and uses none of the old OnGUI.