Behemoth Aerospace Engineering (BAE) by greystork and Comwarrior

Behemoth Aerospace Engineering (BAE) by greystork and Comwarrior


NOTICE: Although all the parts of this mod, except for the 8m landing legs, seem to function in KSP 1.1, Behemoth Aerospace Engineering Large Parts is no longer maintained by the author.

Behemoth Aerospace Engineering Large Parts

This parts pack contains engines, tanks, and other part categories in three sizes that do not exist in stock KSP, namely 5m, 7.5m, and 10m. Parts are color-coded according to the universal electronic color code, simply because the author is an old RDAF radar technician. Hence, size4 (5m) is yellow, size5 (7.5m) is green, and size6 (10m) is blue.

Engines are kept at reasonable thrust figures and are thus not overpowered compared to the thrust/size curve of stock parts. The same goes for reaction wheels. Big spaceships are going to be sluggish, as one would expect.

This parts pack contains config snippets from the Community Tech Tree  by Chris Adderley.

NOTE: As of version v1.3.5, BAE no longer includes the Firespitter plugin, but supports both it and Interstellar Fuel Switch. Either must be installed to enable multi-fuel tanks. In addition, Cross Feed Enabler is required to enable cross feed to radially attached 'Predator' tanks.

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