Better Science Labs Continued

Better Science Labs Continued


I've forked an old project called Better Science labs.

It is now 1.0.5 compatible, and I'm adding extra labs which don't exist.

Currently it has the following new labs:
Crew Cabin Science MPL-CC-2, same size as the hitchkiker
MK 2 Crewed Lab MPL-MK2-2, same length as the Large Crewed Lab, but in a Mk 2 shape
Mobile Processing Lab MPL-mk2-LC-2, same size as the Mk 2 Lander Can
Mobile Processing Lab MPL-Mk1-2-2, same size and shape as the Mk 1-2 command pod
S.N.A.C.K Retrieval Probe SRP-01

For the Firespitter mod:
Mobile Processing Lab MLS-FS-2, same size as the Firespitter crew fuselage

For the HGR mod:
Mobile Processing Lab MPL-ON-2, same size as the Onion Command pod

For the OPT mod:
J Mobile Lab LP3, short version, 1/2 the length of the supplied lab LP3