BlueHarvest +GEM-FX - Better Graphics for KSP (Supports v1.0.5+)

BlueHarvest +GEM-FX - Better Graphics for KSP (Supports v1.0.5+)


Is this compatible with current version of KSP? Yes! It is compatible with all versions of 32-bit KSP!

BlueHarvest ENB Series +GEM-FX is a shader sweet for DX9 games, in this case KSP. This version contains the GEM-FX core for a brilliant new shader package, on top of SweetFX, and ENB Series. Pushing the limits of post processing on KSP as we know it. Lucifer Hawk has done some amazing work and shown me some great new ways of implementing shaders, and getting the best desired results. With that in mind, remember, ENB, in general, is more of a artistic approach. Something to the Eye-of-the-Beholder. As in, what you may think is rubbish, the creator of the 'art' may in fact adore it. ;) So lets not gripe about "Oh I hate ENB" etc, etc.

Note: this modification is for screenshots and videos. Do not mention the GUI. This is inevitable with any ENB/SweetFX modification. Disable HUD with F2. This modification also rebalances lighting. Space will be dark you will need to equip lighting on your vessels. 


In order for this plugin to work, your Antialiasing and Antistropic Filtering must be turned off. You must also be running KSP 32-bit!

  1. Head over to ENB Dev and download ENB Series Generic:
  2. Extract the "d3d9.dll" ENB Plugin from the "Wrapper" folder in the generic ENB download to your KSP_win folder with your KSP.exe, or wherever you have installed it.
  3. Extract the contents of the "INSTALLATION FILES" in your BlueHarvest download into your KSP_win folder with your KSP.exe, or wherever you have insalled it.
  4. Optional) Pick a palette from the "OPTIONAL PALLETTES" folder and replace the "enbpalette.bmp" in your KSP_win folder with your KSP.exe, or wherever you have installed it.
  5. Ensure KSP is not in borderless windowed mode and only in Fullscreen! Than, simply enjoy!


In order for this plugin to work, your Antialiasing and Antistropic Filtering must be turned off. You must also be running KSP 32-bit!

  1. Head over to ENB Dev and download ENB Series for DarkSouls II:
  2. Extract the "d3d9.dll" ENB Plugin from the "Wrapper" folder in the generic ENB download to your KSP_win folder with your KSP.exe, or wherever you have installed it.
  3. Extract the contents of the "INSTALLATION FILES" in your into your KSP_win folder with your KSP.exe, or wherever you have insalled it.
  4. Pick a palette from the "OPTIONAL PALETTES" folder and replace the "enbpalette.bmp" in your KSP_win folder with your KSP.exe, or wherever you have installed it.
  5. Enjoy!

Bloom to strong? Lower the GBloom setting to 0.0 or desirable level in GEM_settings.txt

NOTE: You can change palettes while in gameplay! This is convenient for setting your mood on other planets. :)

Here is a installation video made by Steve Ancona! Thanks Steve!

On some computers, settings may need to be tweaked. These files are enbseries.ini, SweetFX_settings.txt, and GEM_settings.txt. Be careful and read documentation where available. ;)

Optional Mods

Core Licenses

ENB License | SweetFX License | GEM-FX 
