Cetera's Suits

Cetera's Suits


The suits in this pack level up with your Kerbalnaught. Levels are represented by stars on the back of the helmet. The EVA suits also start out very plain and white, and level up every-other-level with your Kerbal, adding more color, and then becoming almost full color. IVA suits do not level.

Role/profession emblems are on the backs of helmets, front chest pieces, and left arms of EVA suits, and left arms of the IVA suits.

Suit variants:
Orange Pilot (rocket)
Orange Engineer (wrench)
Orange Engineer (gear)
Orange Scientist (flask)
Blue Scientist
Purple Scientist
Red Pilot
Pink Pilot
Yellow Engineer (both wrench and gear variants)
Green Engineer (both wrench and gear variants)

Imgur Album here: http://imgur.com/a/pCwNy

Also be aware, there is minor inconsistency in the screenshots from the final package. I was experimenting with the possible star patterns in the screenshots, and decided on having level three be three stars straight across, not in a triangle. In a couple of pics, an incorrect normal map was used on EVA backpacks, that has since been corrected, and one has a level 1 suit from KSPRC as a placeholder.

Install instructional video here:


A very, very, special thank you to GregroxMun, Proot, Green Skull, Scart91, JFull, Bentley, and Shaymes for their inspiration, suit packs, and for making my KSP adventures a little more delightful and colorful over the last couple of years. Very special thanks to GregroxMun for the discussion and willingness to assist me. Thank you Shaw for this great mod and allowing all of this to happen.

1.1 Update:

I updated my suit pack for 1.1, reverting the helmet textures back to .png files.  There was some texture unpleasantness with the compression to .dds textures for 1.0.5 and earlier that I felt were pretty apparent, but necessary for the memory savings.  The textures should be a bit cleaner now, and the posted screenshots more representative of what you actually get.  

The suit textures remain .dds, as the issue was much less apparent on them, and in 1.1 with the engine upgrade, it is very difficult to zoom in the suit to the level the texture would be noticed, without having the suit removed as you start to see through the model.  If you aren't likely to notice, there is no sense in taking up additional load time and memory converting the .pngs when the game loads.

Licence for this pack is CC BY-NC-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)