Champagne Bottle

Champagne Bottle


A while ago I saw a request in the suggestions forum that was asking for a way to have the game generate ship names for the player. I realised that I'm always having trouble deciding on names, so I made this little plugin to help. Simply click the little button on the toolbar marked "CB" to open the menu, and poll the KSC workers what they think the ship would be named (please note, you may have to undergo some "workforce restructuring" before you get good suggestions).

This plugin uses blizzy78′s ToolBar plugin, included in the download.

Thanks to:
- TaranisElsu, for his code examples
- blizzy78, for developing the Toolbar plugin
- AzziWeaver, for helping think up like half of the ship name words :3
- codepoet, for working out how to actually change the ship name textbox!

Source code is included, under \GameData\Champagne\Source\. Source code is free to edit and distribute without permission, provided you credit me if anything of mine gets published.

Forum Thread