Dr. Jet's Chop Shop (Chop)

Dr. Jet's Chop Shop (Chop)

Aerodynamic blister decouplers

Aerodynamic blister decouplers

They are at the same time: nosecones, decouplers and retro-rockets.
Aerodynamic blisters

Aerodynamic blisters

Smoothly looking side mounts with stock-alike painting.


Duna Lander launching back to space with LTS-2 lander tank system.
SPP Drone Nosecone and Wide Tricoupler

SPP Drone Nosecone and Wide Tricoupler

Some more SPP parts.
"Beak" bicoupler

"Beak" bicoupler

Rovers of version 0.5

Rovers of version 0.5

Both RTG Rover and Rugged Rover were severely rebuilt.
Chute in action

Chute in action

LTS & Aerospike Adapter

LTS & Aerospike Adapter

Lander Tank System and adapter for using Aerospike engine in upper stages.
SPP Quadcoupler and 2.5m adapter

SPP Quadcoupler and 2.5m adapter

More SPP rear parts
Modular chutes

Modular chutes

SPP Mk1 & DAS-1

SPP Mk1 & DAS-1

Smart Solar Panel part to replace experimental ISP-1. DAS-1 as a replica of real world CubeSat double-dipole antenna.
Smart Solar Panels Mk2

Smart Solar Panels Mk2

Now in 2.5m size! And i literally mean "in" - it's fully inline when retracted.
Spaceplane+ Tricoupler and Quintcoupler

Spaceplane+ Tricoupler and Quintcoupler

Parts that Porkjet was planning to do but never did.
2.5m structural hubs

2.5m structural hubs

Soil Sampler

Soil Sampler

Mechanical soil sample retriever. Still WIP, but it works.
SP++ Air intake parts

SP++ Air intake parts

Intake Nosecone and frontal view of Wide Tricoupler
Deployable SkyCrane

Deployable SkyCrane

Now with new lovely texture and a unique normalmap flavor of beaten tin can! =^_^=