Chute Delay

Chute Delay



ChuteDelay allows you to add a configurable delay to any attached parachute. After staging the parachute will delay its deployment until the configured time is up e.g. until the burn time of the Sepratron I is over (about 5s).

So now you when drop your burnt out stages with a parachute it will deploy at a safe distance. Or you can time the burn time of your sepratron engines. So that the exhaust stream does not destroy the chute.

Also you can activate the option to wait until it is safe enough for deploying. But be careful, if the stage was dropped above atmosphere. The reentry heat and the speed may delay the deployment until crash.

Therefore a second option has been added, Deploy air brakes. After the configured delay the air brakes are automatically deployed.

ChuteDelay is more a karma mod, because you know the stage was dropped reusable.
The "On-Rails" physics still apply's. Meaning that all Vessels when they no longer are the primary focus of the simulation, will be unloaded after a certain distance (about 23km) when the atmospheric pressure is greater than 0.01 atm.
You can get more information on this wiki On-rails physics

So if you want that your stages to survive you have to ride along. See the Kerbal Space Programm Wiki more information wiki page
