[.90] Civilian Population v1.1

[.90] Civilian Population v1.1


Turn your Kerbal society into a tier 1 civilization!  Your agency as research goes on gains the ability to have civilians take part on your exploration, ultimately letting you recruit new crew members from the population (the motivation for taking civilians with you).  

Part List:

  • Civilian quarters (3 sizes)
  • Civilian contractor dock: allows civilian population to grow while in kerbin space
  • Garden modules and farm biodome to feed the civilian population

How to manage your civilian population

Civilian kerbals are not like your astronaut kerbals.  They require food to survive and have not been trained on how to eat a diet of snacks.  The management of your civilian population relies on generating enough food for them.  If you have enough food they'll live.  If you don't they'll die off.  It's that simple.  

Space Tourism

Civilians will flock to your space stations and bases which can support them.  You can either transport them yourself or you can hire Civilian space agencies to transport them for you.  The space agencies gave Netherdyne plans for a universal docking port which their transports will use.  Attach the port to your station or base and you civilians will come.  

Civilian reproduction and long voyages

If your civilian population is big enough (more than 50) they'll start reproducing.  This will produce a new recruitment able Kerbal every 3 kerbin months. 

Understanding the stats on the Civilian Quarters parts

Every civilian quarters part will show you the statistics for your population's voyage

  • Food per pop:  This is the minimum amount of food your ship's stores must have on hand to support the population.  To get the required amount multiply this by the size of your civilian population. It's easy: 1:1.  So 50 population requires a minimum of 50 food to support.  Each farm module is scaled to support a 1:1 quarters to farm size.   The large biospheres support the largest of population capacities.  Each farm tells you how much population it can support.
  • Population Growth Rate: this is the time in seconds it takes for your population to grow through reproduction.
  • Population Decay Rate: this is the time in seconds it takes for your population to decay.
  • Growth and Decay timers: these show the current state of growth or decay.  When these pass their respective rate the population will change by 1. 
  • Reproduction rate: this is the minimum population your ship needs to start reproduction.  The speed your population grows at scales based on how big it is beyond this.  A population of 150 will reproduce 3 times faster than a population of 50.
  • Total consumption rate: this is how fast your population is consuming food
  • civilianDock: If you have a civilian contractor dock attached to your  ship this indicates it.  
  • civilianDockGrowthRate: this scales your ship's growth rate by the number indicated.  Scale is 1000 for kerbin and kerbin orbit, 100 for Mun, 10 for Minmus.
  • GrowthRate: This is how fast your population is growing.
  • Recruit Kerbal:  You can recruit a new crew member from the population onboard the module.  Each Civilian module except the dock supports a number of Crew slots.

Population changes over time, even when you're not watching!

The civilian population on your ship or base will change over time even when you're doing something else (flying another mission perhaps).  How the population fares depends on how well you managed the food on your ship.   Make sure your ship, station, or base has food and all the farms are operational before you leave it!

Individual Parts

Civilian Contractor Dock

The Civilian Contractor dock allows civilian space agencies to deliver passengers to your station or base.  You must have enough food to receive the passengers before they arrive.

Small Civilian Apartment

This gives a small but adequate place to stay for 8 civilians.  Has 3 slots for crew.  This fits a 2.5 meter diameter ship.

Large Civilian Quarters

Has enough room for 25 civilians and 4 crew.  The core is 3 meters wide.

Civilian Apartment Complex

Has enough room for 60 civilians and 8 crew.  The core is 3 meters wide.

Farm Biodome

Intended for use on a surface the farm biodome supports up to 60 civilians.  It produces food faster than the Large biosphere but is a lot heavier.

Garden Biosphere

The garden biosphere supports 50 civilians and is better suited for orbit and flight than the ground.  The white core is 3 meters diameter.

Small Garden Biosphere

The small garden biosphere supports 25 civilians.  The white core is 3 meters diameter.

Small Hydroponic Garden

The small Hydroponic garden supports up to 8 civilians.  This module fits a 2.5 meter diameter ship.