Data Export

Data Export


Have you ever wanted to see your flight data in beautiful charts?

Ever wanted to see a detailed log of your altitude, apoapsis, velocity, and much, much more?

Well, KSP Data Export allows you to do that!

This mod allows you to choose from 20 different values to log (even more are coming in future updates), and neatly puts them into a CSV file. You can then use this CSV file in programs such as Excel or Google Sheets to create beautiful-looking charts and graphs. Data is logged by default every one second, but you are allowed to change to whatever you would like. Currently only supported on Windows.

I made this video to demonstrate some of the features:

Current Values to Choose From:


  • Surface Velocity
  • G-Force
  • Acceleration
  • Thrust
  • TWR
  • Mass


  • Altitude (Terrain)
  • Altitude (Sea Level)
  • Downrange Distance
  • Latitude
  • Longitude


  • Apoapsis
  • Periapsis
  • Inclination
  • Orbital Velocity


  • Distance
  • Target Velocity


  • Stage DeltaV
  • Vessel DeltaV


  • Air Pressure

More values are coming soon!


Main mod GUI

Current values to choose from

License: MIT

Thank you for reading, let me know your comments, feedback, and suggestions!