



v1.0.2, created by DemonEin July 25 2019 (Last updated August 20 2019)


Have you seen some of the amazing IVAs built by the community and wished that all the stock cockpits were that functional and good looking? DE_IVAExtension is a mod I put together to add advanced IVAs to every stock pod in the game.


-All stock command pods have an advanced interactive IVA

-All IVAs have a similar layout and (almost) identical features for ease of use

-if using the mod ProbeControlRoom, there is a new mission control room in the same style as the other IVAs


ASET Props Pack v1.5.0

RasterPropMonitor v0.30.6

ModuleManager v4.0.2

ToolbarController v1.8.2

ClickThroughBlocker v0.1.7.2

Supported Mods

ProbeControlRoom v1.2.2.12

Special Thanks

Thanks to alexustas, creator of the amazing ASET Props Pack which this mod is based on, and of course his beautiful ALCOR capsule, from which much of the prop layout was shamelessly taken.

Thanks to MOARdV, creator of RasterPropMonitor, which makes the IVAs interactive in the first place.

A Word on RPM and MAS

I am aware that RPM development has stopped and that MAS is the up to date method for interactive IVA. The goal of these cockpits is to be simple to use, which can be accomplished just fine with RPM. If there would be value in changing the IVAs to use MAS rather than RPM, let me know, and I will consider making the change. Additionally, if there are any problems with RPM itself when using this mod, let me know, and I'll see what I can do.

Source available on github

If you have any questions or issues, come to the forum thread.