Lambda Station Official Decals

Lambda Station Official Decals


Lambda Station Decals v0.2.1 for KSP v1.2.2/1.3.0

All of cratercracker's pictures are his own, and have not been modified. To Install:

Place the DeltaDizzy and blackheart folders inside Kerbal Space Program\GameData

To Update:

Delete the DeltaDizzy and blackheart folders from Kerbal Space Program\GameData and Install the newer version.

This mod contains modified configuration files. They were modified on June 11, 2017.


CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 for all images provided.

GPLv3 for all modified files

GPLv3 for all of blackheart612's code and models. (Apparently, I don't need his permission. I decided to get it anyway.)