Derp Shield Corp: Bigger, Hotter, Simpler

Derp Shield Corp: Bigger, Hotter, Simpler


Here is a sneak-peak with download of my part pack. Pretty much my goal with this part pack is to fill in the gaps that stock parts leave. Examples would be make an excessively powerful lifter engine & a slightly more vacuum efficient than stock engine for each tier, add in some utility/quality of life parts (Longer ladders, fuel tanks adapter parts), and some futuristic propulsion.

DISCLAIMER: Parts are a work in progress, many parts have yet to be made, and existing parts might be imbalanced for either cost/use. Please leave me feedback if you have any ideas for new parts or balancing! Or anything really!

Part Classification in this Pack

  • S Series Engine stands for Smart Series. This engine type prioritizes Vacuum ISP over Thrust. Suggested use is for upper stage for orbital insertion or for anything out in the depths of space.
  • J Series Engine stands for Jump Series. This engine type prioritizes Thrust over ISP. These engines should have lower ISP than any stock engine, but much higher thrust to compensate. Suggested use: First stage in heavy lifter platforms.
  • Future Tech: VT1 and QVT. These pieces are not meant to be realistic in terms of thrust. They are meant to provide alternatives to conventional chemical rockets for your late game exploration of deep space while not being quite as frustrating as stock Ion engines (low thrust) or KSP Interstellar parts(Complicated with alternative resource system). I tried to balance these pieces against each other and against the O.H. RTG.

In depth part info in spoiler section. 

.625 Engine: Tech Node: Specialized Construction

  • J Series
  • 38 Thrust
  • ISP 280-330
  • .
  • S Series
  • 10 Thrust
  • ISP 150-400

1.25m Engines:

  • Tech Node: Advanced Rocketry
  • .
  • S Series
  • 100 thrust
  • ISP 120-435
  • .
  • J series
  • 530 thrust
  • ISP 240-320

2.5m Engines

  • Tech Node: Heavier Rocketry
  • .
  • S Series
  • 300 thrust
  • ISP 120-435
  • .
  • J Series
  • 2120 Thrust
  • ISP 240-320

3.75m Engines

  • Tech Node: Very Heavy Rocketry
  • .
  • S Series
  • 700 Thrust
  • ISP 120-435
  • .
  • J Series
  • 4770 Thrust
  • ISP 240-320

Future Tech

  • VT1
  • Tech Node: Advanced Motors
  • 250 Thrust
  • ISP 5000 (Runs only in Vacuum)
  • Aprox cost to run at full throttle ~1k ec/s & 51 Xenon/s
  • .
  • QVT
  • Tech Node: Advanced Science Tech
  • 100 Thrust
  • ISP (might as well be infinite)
  • Aprox cost to run at full throttle ~2k ec/s & .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000001 mono propellant (Looking for a fix for the need for 2 propellants)
  • Example with a cockpit, the OH RTG & QVT Kerbal engineer was listing over 990 million (yes that is correct) dV for 7.5 mono prop. Essentially have at least 1 mono prop and your golden

Utility Pieces

  • LumiLeg
  • Tech Node: Advanced Landing
  • .
  • O.H. RTG
  • Tech Node: Specialized Electronics
  • Weight: 22.2 tonnes
  • Electrical Output: 2k ec/s
  • .
  • Xenon Tank
  • Tech Node: Ion Propulsion
  • Capacity: 90k Xenon Gas
  • .
  • Omni Spotlight
  • 5 lights at 45 degree angles from each other
  • .2ec/s


  • .625m Radial Stack Decoupler
  • 1.25m Radial Stack Decoupler
  • 2.5m Radial Stack Decoupler
  • All attach like normal radial Decouplers, but comes with a 2 stack attachment points. They also decouple.

Fuel Tanks

  • 1.25m to .625m Fuel Tank Adapter
  • 115.2 Fuel & 176 Oxidizer
  • .
  • 2.5m to 1.25m Fuel Tank Adapter
  • 576 Fuel & 704 Oxidizer
  • .
  • 3.75m to 2.5m Fuel Tank Adapter
  • 864 Fuel & 1056 Oxidizer

Forum Link Check here for most recent updates: Derp Shield Corp Dev Forum

Imgur Album:

Install Instructions: 
Make sure you delete the smokescreen folder (or use the most up to date version), and the Derp Shield folder prior to installing the latest versions to avoid problems. Also make sure you only have 1 copy of module manager, with the most up to date one being preferred. 

Other Necessary bits/disclaimers:
This pack includes Smokescreen Version 2.4.1 for exhaust effects & ModuleManager version 2.2.1

Licensing for this Pack: For the time being I'm going to go with "All rights reserved for the contents of the DerpShield Folder". Module manager and Smokescreen have their own respective licensing. 
Reason for my decision: Not sure what types of licensing there is, or if I have to do anything special for them and this was the "easy" option in the licensing tutorial. 


  • Version .02 Released 8/24/14
  • ...Includes New Engine: S-Half
  • ...Includes New Fuel tanks: 1.25 to .625, 2.5 to 1.25 & 3.75 to 2.5m Adapter Tanks
  • ...Includes New Omni Spotlight
  • ...Includes Radial stack Decouplers sizes .625, 1.25, 2.5m
  • ...Slight Texture change to the VT1 (Replaced name with Hazard tape.) . . .
  • Version .01 Released 8/21/14
  • ... Includes New engines: S1, S3, S7, QVT, J Half,
  • ... Slight Balancing Changes to the J series of engines (no longer have more thrust than they should. For example the J9 had 30 thrust higher than it was supposed to)
  • ...A few tech node changes Spreading all the pieces to sections of the tech tree they should be in. Example: RTG is in advanced Electronics now . . .
  • Version 0 Released: 8/14/2014