Generic Inline Cockpits

Generic Inline Cockpits


A pack that includes eight inline cockpits. This project started because inline command pods are rather useful since they can be placed basically anywhere on a plane, which gives more options in terms of functionality and looks. KSP comes with two but they don't always look right for all kinds of planes, and there are plenty of awesome cockpit mods out there, but hardly any include inline cockpits. The folks over at N5 Aerodynamics saw a market oportunity right there.
The pack includes the possible combinations of Mk1 and Mk2 cockpits for either one or two pilots, plus two extra:

Mk1 inline
Mk2 inline
Mk2 to Mk1 adapter
Mk3 inline (crew of four)
Mk1 to 0.625m (crew of 1)

The two pilots cockpits use the Thunderbolt IVA model from QuizTech Aero, which looks amazing (Kudos to Quiznos323 fur such nice interiors!), and a lot of people already have it so it will save memory space for some folks. The rest use stock IVAs.
Quiztech IVAs used under the provisions of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license

NOTE: I'm having trouble with the airlocks. Kerbals can exit but they can't board or grab the ladder, and the hatch is not mouse-clickable for some reason. I've done another cockpit before and never had this problem, and I'm pretty sure I'm doing everything the same. I've heard from other modders that they're having the same problem, if you have any ideas about what's going on, please reply to this thread: I'm working to fix this and will update as soon as I find out what the problem is. If you encounter any other issues feel free to message me on the forums or reply to the main forum thread. (

Possible updates:
- Better decals on the cockpits
- Another, different Mk3 inline
- Two-seater Mk1 to 0.625m
- Custom IVAs
- 2.5m inline cockpits
- Also, I'm very much open to suggestions as long as they're consistent with the general idea of the mod