Gerdin Montaplex Atmospherics Pack [0.24]

Gerdin Montaplex Atmospherics Pack [0.24]


Hi All,

here you have all Gerdin Atmospherics parts until now, this pack include:

1.- Gerdin Montaplex Rescue capsule Alpha: 

       This is a one person rescue capsule. This capsule was designed by Gerdin as a safety mesure for come back to earth if the main vessel doesnt works, this capsule have all the basics parts to survive in a travel from the moon to earth.

Its an alpha version still working on it.


-Legs without suspension.
-Low cuality textures.
-Manual acction groups keys.

-how to use: Place the capsule with a radial decopuler outside the main vessel simetrically, if you have problem in your mission EVA Kervals to the Montaplex capsule, decouple and come back safety to Kerbin.

There is a ship model in the .zip file, follow the model to build another montaplex capsule.

We recominds you to set acction groups like this:

Custom01: open engine doors
Custom02: toggle legs
Custom03: toggle solar panels
Custom09: toggle floating

Any question comment.

2.- Gerdin Margarita: 

Its a unstabilizer emergentialitation leg, warning!! dont use without gravity, it pulls up 

3.- Gerdin Extensible Structure:

A small structure that can be extend for whatever reazon-

4.-Gerdin rolling wheel Gear test:

Its a simple landing gear test for any propouse.

5.-Gerding very serious Landing Gear:

First model of a hight technology Gerding landing gears

enjoy them.