HAWX In With the New and Old Mod Update 5

HAWX In With the New and Old Mod Update 5



-Added Licesnce
-Added Readme
-Added MK1 Cockpit
-Added Mk1 Fuselage
-Added Mk1 Fuselage Strutural
-Added Delta Wings
-Added structural Wings
-Added Wing Connector
-Added Small Control Surface
-Added Standard Control Surface

Update 1:

-Updates Readme
-Added Inline SAS Module

Update 2:

-Updated Readme
-Added Old Stock Crafts:
-Aeirs 3A
-Aeris 4A
-Albatross 3
-Ravenspear MK 1
-Ravenspear MK 3
-Ravenspear MK 4

Update 3:

-Updated Readme
-Intergreted IWNO to the GameData Folder
-Added Flags

Update 4:

-Updated Readme
-Added Fuel Liquid Fuel Wings
-Added Liquid Fuel Oxygen Wings

Update 5:

-Updated Readme
-Added MK3 Cockpit
-Added MK3 Fuselage
-Added MK3 Adapter

Ok so here my problem, Ive been trying to upload the new IWNO up herew for 6 hours straight and every file has been rejected so  ive just pulled the mk3 parts into a new zip folder and uploaded it here, ive missed a few stuff and the readme, yes im stressed, no i dont want comments saying this or that or bad things or annoying things or "duh" things, just please all i ask is that you appreciate this,  and if you havent already got IWNO, you can get it here, just merge this IWNO folder with the one you already have in gamedata