Haystack Continued

Haystack Continued


This plugin provides a user interface that makes it easier to find and select which ship you want to fly and target.

  • Select vessel to target or fly
  • Search vessel names to easily find the one you want
  • View vessels grouped by the celestial body that they are orbiting
  • Quickly filter vessels by type
  • New in You can now display a list of docking ports for the nearby ships (i.e., loaded in physics range) and target them. The list only displays available docking ports (i.e., the docking port must not have a ship docked and must have a free attach node)
  • New in The docking port list includes support for the Docking Port Alignment Indicator mod's named port feature. If it detects this mod it will use the name of the docking port that has been set in the display. If the mod is not detected it will default to using the name of the part.
  • New in Added support for blizzy toolbar - this allows the window to be positioned anywhere on the screen when the toolbar is installed
  • New in There is a new button that allows you to set vessels to be hidden from the list. The hidden vessels are saved in the save game file and will be saved whenever the game is saved. 

Current Version: v0.4.1.0

  • KSP v1.0 support
  • Fixed the missing spaceobject icon error message by adding the icon.
  • The haystack window will now save the visible state depending on the scene. This means that leaving the window open in the tracking station will not leave it open during flight.
  • You can now target the currently selected celestial body (i.e., planet or moon) when in the default view (i.e., not group by).

Forum Post

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