Heat Control

Heat Control


Parts Do Not Show Up

Phelidai opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Pretty self explanatory. I have tried multiple installs, and looking into the part files (then again, I'm not a coder), but no matter what I've tried, the parts do not show in any part menu, even thermal. Would love to have these radiators for my reactors.


I can't help much without more information. I would say you are likely having an install issue - that's the most common reason for things not showing up. Make sure the mod file structure is
KSP_DIR/GameData/HeatControl/Parts/.... - KSP paths mean that it can't be anything else, like KSP_DIR/GameData/NerteasMods/HeatControl/Parts/... or anything different.

If this doesn't resolve it, please post your KSP logfile here so I can examine it.



Here's my log.


Yep, as I suspected your folder structure looks wrong. There is an additional HeatControl folder, I see HeatControl/HeatControl/Parts in the log. Take that inner folder out and make sure there's only one layer.


Working now. Thank you!