LazTek Historic Archive Alternative Textures

LazTek Historic Archive Alternative Textures


Historic Archive (LHA) KSP version License
Curseforge GitHub Pages

Historic Archive (LHA)

9-piece, add-on parts pack for the SpaceX Launch Pack that includes the original DragonRider concept capsule and associated parts.

NOTE: only the normal resoultion textures are included, the HD / LD textures are available to download and use instead. Only one is intended to be used at once, and in fact installing another should replace the existing textures.

By zer0Kerbal, originally by LazarusLuan

HistoricArchive Hero

Preamble by LazarusLuan

The SpaceX Historic Archive is designed as an add-on for the LazTek SpaceX Launch Pack, and SpaceX Exploration Expansion Kit. The included .craft files require the installation of the Launch Pack and Exploration Expansion to load correctly. Remove any prior installations of this package before installing to prevent incompatibilities with older parts. To install, extract the GameData and Ships folders into your KSP program folder. When asked to merge, choose yes.

Low, medium and high resolutions are available for these mods which include replicas of the new SpaceX Dragon V2 capsule and trunk, SpaceX Falcon 9 v1.1 and Falcon Heavy launch platforms, proposed Historic Archive, plus special configurations for exploration, asteroid redirection, refueling, colonization and more! Add the SpaceX Historic Archive for access to the original DragonRider concept spacecraft.


  • Parts

    • Dragon
      • DragonRider Capsule
      • Retractable Ladder
      • Docking Trunk
      • Mini Solar Panels (Designed to be surface-attached on lower port and starboard sections of DragonRider capsule in a set of two)
      • Dragon Retractable Nose (Maintains areodynamics of DragonRider capsule for return orbits from surfaces with heavy atmospheres, while providing intake ducts for SuperDraco/PulseJet hybrid engines.)
      • SuperDraco Twin Engine Nacelle (Designed to be attached to DragonRider capsule in a set of 4)
      • SuperDraco PulseJet Hybrid Engine Nacelle (Experimental engines utilizing automatically-switching air-breathing and closed-system modes to allow use of planetary atmospheres to greatly extend use of fuel for returns from planet surfaces.)
    • Falcon Heat Shield
    • Explorer Heat Shield
  • Ships (.craft) (might be out of date)

    • LT SpaceX DragonRider with SHERPA remote satellite launching system - (Use these keys: G-landing legs U-interior and exterior lights, 1-switch to single center engine for landing first stage 2-switch to three engine configuration for returning 3-switch to five engine configuration for atmospheric braking and parking orbit burns, 5-toggle ladder 6-toggle hatch , 0-toggle solar panels)

    • LT SpaceX Dragon Explorer V1 - Designed and tested to explore and return from every planetary body in the Kerbol system, this ship can be converted to non-atmospheric mode to save weight if desired and is set up to use new experimental SuperDraco/PulseJet hybrid technology, combining air-breathing and conventional closed-system rocket tech. (Use these keys: 5-ladder 6-hatch 8-retractable nose cone 9-retractable solar panel covers 0-solar panels. Use 4 key to disengage booster engines before separation, use 1, 2 and 3 keys to switch between 1-, 3- and 5-engine configurations for stage returns.)

    • LT SpaceX DragonClaw V1 - Created for asteroid redirect missions, local system small body exploration and colonization, spacecraft and satellite towing and deorbiting. Designed to carry lots of monopropellant for the SuperDraco engines, uses reverse-mounted claw for towing objects instead of pushing them.(Use these keys: 5-ladder 6-hatch 8-Arm/Release claw 0-solar panels. Use 4 key to disengage booster engines before separation, use 1, 2 and 3 keys to switch between 1-, 3- and 5-engine configurations for stage returns.)

    • Craft Notes

See more


Help Wanted

  • Stock Balance Pass - can 50 kerbals actually fit in the pod?
  • Compatibility patches
    • RPM/MAS, life support, other
  • IVA's
    • Update the pod's IVA
  • Sample Crafts
  • Contracts for these glorious parts
  • Variant Textures
  • Update the landing legs to use stock leg modules instead of ModuleAnimateGeneric
  • Marketing Images and Videos such as hero shots, animated gifs, short highlights
  • Translations: See the README in the Localization folder for instructions for adding or improving translations. There is also the quickstart guide. GitHub push is the best way to contribute. Additions and corrections welcome!
  • Have a request? Glad to have them, kindly submit through GitHub.


  • English English
  • your translation here

Installation Directions

Most recent releases only available via CurseForge/OverWolf Website/App

CurseForge/OverWolf App





Be Kind: lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your ModMan up to date!


parts, config

red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support

How to get support

Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

Credits and Special Thanks

Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance)

Current (1) - zer0Kerbal

Forum: Thread - Source: GitHub
License: License License


All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses
All assets, including but not limited to: animations, models, sounds and textures are distributed under their own licenses. License

see for more legal Mumbo Jumbo

Original (0) - Author: LazarusLuan

Forum: Thread - Download: CurseForge - Source: CurseForge
License: License

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