Interstellar Flight Inc. - Kerbal Life Support Mod

Interstellar Flight Inc. - Kerbal Life Support Mod


Released Under GPL3 License.
I know that there are a few Life support mods in development. They are too intense for my tastes. SO I designed my own.

KSP Forum Post Location

GOALS I have for my plug-in:

  • Tracks life support use even when ships are not loaded into scene.
  • Based on Realistic Life Support values on use and weight. based on information from Life Support Systems at
  • Low overhead and playability with KSP.
  • Life support tracked and used on EVA.
  • Use only one new resource to simulate O2-Food-CO2 Scrubbers and recylers
  • Use Electric Charge while Life support is active.

Currently the MOD is working with no game breaking bugs found yet.

Universal Storage has a wedge for this MOD information and be found here: 

Current Working Features
§        Kerbal going on Eva takes Life Support from pod/vessel.
§        Boarding a pod returns unused Life support to pod/vessel.
§        Running out of Life Support or Electric can kill crew. if outside kerbin atmosphere.
§        Life Support and Electric is used even if not active vessel.
§        All pods have LS Resource and plugin installed using ModuleManager.
§        Electric Charge on EVA - Used by Lifesupport system and if HeadLamp is on.
§        2 Custom parts a radial and a inline tank for Lifesupport resource storage. Universal Storage has created a wedge to hold Lifesupport giving yo 3 options for extra LS storage.

Plugin Operation Info
Currently there are several Status LS system can be in:
ü      Pod Standby - No demand for LS and no resources consumed.  Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining is hidden.
ü      Active      - Demand for LS and resources consumed.  Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read how long LS will last for whole vessel.
ü      Visor       - Kerbal on EVA breathing outside air decreased Resource consumption .  Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read how much LS remains once active again (fixing).
ü      Intake Air   - Pod using air intakes to provide O2 to crew - decreased Resource consumption. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read how much LS remains once active again.
ü      CAUTION      - Less than 2 days pod or 1 hour EVA of LS remaining.  Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read how long LS will last for whole vessel.
ü      Warning!     - LS or Electric Charge at 0. Kerbals will start dieing if immediate action not taken. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read 0.
Each unit of LifeSupport should provide 1 Kerbin Day (6 hours) of Life support for 1 Kerbal.
Mod uses the time as set in settings menu so it will track 6 or 24 hour days depending on setting in main menu. Days remaining on rt click menu are accurate based on this setting. Only change in mod is that if not using kerbin time each kerbal requires 4 units of LS per day.