JackSepticEye Flag Pack

JackSepticEye Flag Pack


1. Move the JackSepticPack folder into the GameData folder in KSP
2. Put the parts folder inside the JackSepticPack folder for extra parts
3. Done.

This is for JackSepticEye but other people can have it. It's main purpose is for flags.

DISCLAIMER: The flags are original except two flags is (edited) art from SYRSA and AlpinesGraphics on DeviantArt

I hope the famous youtuber JackSepticEye uses this mod! It was made for Jack at least, and this is of course free-to-public copyleft mod. Make changes or edits at desire.

This is the famous youtuber Jacksepticeye for those who don't know. If you are him, then I hope you use this mod for a quest TO THE MOON!