James Webb For Kerbal

James Webb For Kerbal


James Webb For Kerbal Update 1.12.x "The Legend"

This has been tested with Textures Unlimited, Tarsier Space Technology, Tweakscale and Cacteye2 for version 1.12.x.

Thank you for downloading James Webb For Kerbal. I truly hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to submit any questions or
comments via the forums at https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/167494-14-141-james-webb-for-kerbal/

James Webb For Kerbal is 100% dependent upon Tarsier Space Technologies by JPLRepo

Textures Unlimited by Shadowmage is an optional add-on for metallic / reflective textures and is not required.

Please download and install Tarsier Space Technologies before attempting to load James Webb.

Tarsier Space Technologies forum link:

Textures Unlimited forum link:

Cacteye 2 Refocused link:


Extract the contents of the GameData folder to your GameData folder. Structure should then read GameData\JamesWebb

Optional reflective surfaces will automatically be activated with Textures Unlimited installed.


Update 1.12.x The Legend

Removed all dependency requirements
Re-size the entire main structure
Part is now considered a 3.75m part and not a 5m part (uses 2.5m decoupler)
Re-size side solar panels to fit new structure size
Re-create the entire sunshield and animation using bones to drop the Textures Unlimited (blend shapes animation loading) requirement
Adjusted the timings of the entire deployment animation to be more equivalent to the real deployment
Renamed the deployment animation action to "Open Aperture" to play nicely with Cacteye
Model is loaded as a .mu and not an smf
Re-texture entire main unit + solar panels
Scale-down the RCS thrusters size
Scale-down Main + Side antenna sizes
Fix location of all attachment points due to structure's change in size
Fix engine FX location
Various Textures Unlimited (optional) changes:
-Sunshield is now a flat texture
-The body is all wrinkled and looks like actual foil
-Secondary mirror is reflective
-Camera/Sensor is reflective
-Shiny flat sections on body ("flaps"/solar panel mounts)
Added 5 new TSST telescope targets in infrared taken from Spitzer
Added Cacteye compatibility (acts as the telescope part)

Update 1.9.x (1.10.LTE)

Re-compile all parts on 1.10 part tools
Tested compatibility of mod with 1.9x Textures Unlimited and TSST

Update 1.4.3

Re-upload for KSP 1.4.3

Hotfix 1.4.2

Fixed transform issue where the "Control from here" node for swapping back to vertical view from horizontal was not working
Added ModuleSAS, level 3

Update 1.4

Rebuild and recompile for 1.4
Fixed base structure center point / origin
Reassembled and exported model with very slightly altered scale
Fixed center thrust point
Re-aligned all attachment nodes
Added 8x attachment points for the RCS thrusters
RCS Thrusters now have an attachment node
Fixed rear solar panel center point / origin
Reduced SAS power
Greatly increased SAS electricity cost to promote maneuver accuracy

Update 1.2

Bundled Textures Unlimited by Shadowmage into the download
CKAN download

Update 1.1

Increased zoom
Built-in TSST hard drive
Sunshield layers now "rise" into correct final locations
Telescope orientation can now be switched between
Engines / camera optics with multiple "control from here" options
Tweakscale compatibility
RCS thrusters 30% larger
And please upgrade to the new textures unlimited to fix random exploding fairings.

James Webb For Kerbal is License CC-BY-4.0

CobaltWolf, Shadowmage, Baele, steedcrugeon, dboi88, Kineticsloth, Fengist, JadeOfMaar, Nertea and all of the other devs who have
been incredibly helpful throughout this entire journey. It was 70 days in the making for James Webb for Kerbal 1.0.