Jungis Planet Pack

Jungis Planet Pack


Jungis Planet pack adds these bodies:

Cere: A green moonlet, inside of some rings.

Rammi: An orange moonlet, shepherding the rings.

Elos: A green asteroid just outside the rings.

Habis: A habitable planet based off Kerbin.

Oceanus: A water planet with ice caps.

Fen: A yellow asteroid based off a piece of popcorn.

Fonso: A yellow moon the size of Vall. Very mountainous.

Ehkki: A eeloo-like planet.

Loohil: A cinnamon colored planet with a name similar to one you'd find in a Doctor Seuss book. Superior to Eve.

Nashin: A subsatellite of Loohil.

Desot: A desert planet with a mountainous equator. Can be regularly seen from Loohil and vice versa.

Potatus: An asteroid with 21 minute rotation due to freedom from tidal lock thanks to Loohil and Desot.

Daphy: A beautiful pink and blue moon.

Kurst: A captured comet. 8 km size.

Kehn: A butterscotch-yellow asteroid on 2:3 resonance with Loohil.