Kerbal Electric

Kerbal Electric


KELights is designed to replace stock lighting.  Along with the standard colored lights, KELights includes blinking lights & movable lights.  It also includes light color presets for many common light colors and the ability to create your own presets.

Current light color presets:

40W Tungsten
100W Tungsten
Carbon Arc
Warm Fluorescent
Standard Fluorescent
Cool White Fluorescent
Full Spectrum Fluorescent
Grow Light Fluorescent
Black Light Fluorescent
Mercury Vapor
Sodium Vapor
Metal Halide
High Pressure Sodium

Idiot Lights
Monitor the resource of a single part or shipwide with Idiot Lights.  No, I didn't create hundreds of parts to monitor every resource. This is ONE part that you can configure to monitor any resource.

Read more about them here

Non-Idiot Lights

Blinking lights have the ability in the hangar to set the on/off duration from .1 seconds to 10 seconds.

Rotating and tilting lights have the ability in the hangar to adjust the rotation and tilt speed.

This is currently a work in progress.

For questions, comments or suggestions, please visit the KSP Forum thread at: