Kerbal Science Innovation

Kerbal Science Innovation

Gravity waves sensor

Gravity waves sensor

This part detect the change of the gravity of a planet with the modulation of the gravity waves. The gravity waves sensor need to be in a polar orbit (of a planete or of the sun (kerbol)) at 90% of the sphere of influence of the planete.
AtomicFountain (Caesium 133)

AtomicFountain (Caesium 133)

An atomic fountain is a cloud of atoms that is tossed upwards by lasers in the Earth's gravitational field. If it were visible, it would resemble the water in a fountain. While weightless in the toss,the atoms are measured to set the frequency of an atomic
Dark Matter Sensor

Dark Matter Sensor

Dark matter has never been directly observed; however its existence would explain a number of otherwise puzzling astronomical observations.
Dark Matter collector

Dark Matter collector

Collect the dark matter