Kerbal Universe 2 [0.24]

Kerbal Universe 2 [0.24]


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2 star systems far from Kerbol, and one new gas giant in the Kerbol system.

Planet List:
Contained in "Abaddon" folder-
Abaddon - A hot, bright star nearing the end of it's life.
Fierbinte - A once habitable world destroyed by Abaddon's first phase of stellar expansion. It is now a radioactive cinder.
Bakaron - An ocean world with a tropical, humid climate all year long.
Verviedi - A dead world with an oxygen atmosphere and high radiation. Verviedi is the site of the ancient Verviedyn civilization, which was destroyed by a massive nuclear war.
Diamas - Verviedi's first moon and a captured comet. Briefly, it contained interplanetary missile silos before their destruction.
Phobius - Verviedi's second moon. It was once home to a scientific colony of Verviedyns, but was razed by interplanetary missiles.
Cyssor - A large, purple gas giant. Contains high quantities of Iodine.
Ceti - The first moon of Cyssor. Has a large, world-spanning ocean.
Corvus - The second moon of Cyssor. Very rocky. This moon may have been a base for Verviedyn naval vessels, but records are spotty.
Evon - A purple moon. It may have absorbed compounds from Cyssor in the distant past.
Talon - Another rocky moon of Cyssor. Nothing special.

Contained in the "Manai" folder - (Planets created by Sylandro)
Manai - The second companion star of Kerbol to be discovered, and it has stirred up a huge controversy shortly after, how is Kerbol getting all of these companions, anyway?
Egar - The innermost planet of the star Manai's planetary system. To make it simple, it's a scorched wreck, but how did Egar get it's name? A kerbal scientist snuck into Jeb, Bill and Bob Kerman's room and found that Bob Kerman was sleeptalking.
Tyvor -A formidable world, with seismic activity and majestic sulfur dioxide plumes. Having a barbeque here is one of Jebediah Kerman's various desires.
Brachios -This place is relatively dangerous, obviously and prominently. So, yeah. Oh, and did i mention that this place is dangerous?
Jamona -A dark gas giant rich in history. So rich, in fact, that it is several times denser than Jool.
Skrii - A yellow world named for the Kerbal god of Procrastination,
Riard - A light-colored, rocky and cratery body.
Tintai - A planet with a large amount of craters. How is that even possible, anyway? There is more crater than moon!
Pershina -A blue gas giant. Appears to have a mild cognitohazardous effect that makes subjects not want to write about it. Meh.
Pershimu - Another dark, rich planet. Thought to be discovered by Jeff Kerman, but a filled out order form in orbit of it has raised controversy.

Contained in the "Verion" folder-
Verion - Verion is the result of a long and frantic search for a second gas giant.
Blalo - A near perfect twin of Kerbin.
Troon -A very rocky, gray moon. The cracks spreading across it's surface have an unknown origin.
Fantoma - A strange, recently discovered moon of Verion. When flyby 1 passed it, it's Giant Carnivorous Space Sponge detector went crazy.
Kethos - The largest moon of Verion. And very yellow.
Camna - Camna is known for it's low gravity and light-colored surface. Excellent dining, horrible neighborhood, bad humor.

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