


Returning to CKAN soon

Ever wanted Balloons in KSP? Now there here, well not quite here but on their way. I am working on this mod ‘KerBalloons’ which will bring balloons that can be sent up to collect science. There will be special science parts dedicated for this as well as balloon based contracts (hopefully). The balloons will come in various sizes; ranging from a lift capability of a few science experiments, up to the ability to carry several tons. Felix Baumgartner anyone?

The Plan
This release will have 3 balloons; 1 standard balloon, 1 higher altitude balloon and 1 heavier payload balloon. In this release all 3 balloons will be 0.625m size and will be designed for use in Kerbin’s atmosphere. The balloon will expand as air pressure decreases (as altitude increases) as well as lose lift. When the air pressure it too low, the balloon will burst - no parachute on these balloons.

This release will bring all new balloons, they will have varying lift capablilities and minimum pressures. Balloon sizes will range from 0.625m up to 3.75m, for each size there will be the same 3 variants as in v0.1.

Even more balloons coming in this release! Some will be designed for use in different planet atmospheres and higher tech balloons will come with a parachute as well to protect your glorious science.

This release will include some new specialised science experiments for use with the balloons such as an atmospheric analyser. A service bay will be included as well for 0.625m and 3.75m balloons as they are not included in stock KSP.

The big one! I hope to get contracts included into the mod at this point. Such as take an atmospheric reading at 5km, 10km and 15km with a KerBalloon.

If I can find a way to get it to work, I will add the ability to tether balloons to the ground in this release. A use for this could be for RemoteTech ground relays.

For 1.0, I will add any last features and fix any remaining bugs. After 1.0, I will still update KerBalloons to work with the latests versions of KSP as best I can.

More info and media on the forum thread

Source Code

This mod is licensed under All Rights Reserved, if you wish to create your own balloons with this mod then visit this page

Old version available here