Kerbal XMAS (XMAS)  by Lunatic Aeronautics

Kerbal XMAS (XMAS) by Lunatic Aeronautics


XMAS 2015 ReRelease!

Lunatic Aeronautics presents their very first mod.
A few weeks ago, a pink-skinned alien "landed" on Kerbin. After gathering up all the debris, our scientists decided to reverse engineer these strange but obviously useful parts.
The alien's corpse was identified as Santa K. We're assuming his last name was Kerman.

-A wild, animated, running reindeer(pulling engine.mout before tank, use xmas tanks for deerfood(fuel) and beware of g-forces)
-A tree shaped command pod
-Presents (dual color fuelswitch)
-Stockings (fuelswitch)
-Sweets (RCS tanks)
-Nosehats (Cones, colorswitch)
-A Candle (creates light)
-Santa's list (used to store experiments)
-A Stocklike Fuel line and Strut connector

-The Sled had been cut due toother priorities.(build your own ;)

-Firespitter plugin(required)


-ATM/DRE/TR config provided

(Texture Replacer needed for reflections!)

Most parts come in different sizes.


The scientists still have some problems with the sled. It will be added later.

Many thanks to nli2work for doing the reindeer animation and to Tuareg for solving my problems.

As mentioned, this is our first mod. We learned a lot, but there's even more to learn. Stay tuned for our coming fantasies. We have lot's of ideas.
Happy Holidays!
Lunatic Aeronautics (Tuareg&ximrm)