Kerbol Positioning System

Kerbol Positioning System


Does what it says on the tin! Shows a small window with color coded text to display your experimental situation, the celestial body you are orbiting, and the current biome you are over. These are all the variables to take into consideration when performing science experiments (though they may not all be relevant all the time, e.g. what biome you are over while in space); normally you would have to do a crew report to check what biome you are in (at least as far as I know).

In case you were unsure what "experimental situation" means, it can be any of the following [in relation to your celestial body]:

  • Landed
  • Splashed
  • Flying Low
  • Flying High
  • Flying in Low Space
  • Flying in High Space

Each part of the string is color-coded programatically to hopefully be unique, but definitely not guaranteed to be the most readable. It's for hopefully making it more noticeable when your current biome changes.

When first started, the KPS window should be in the upper left corner of your screen, but you can drag it around. It will save the location you drag it to.

Probably works with much older versions, but definitely works on 24.2. I made this mod back when all experiments could be reset ad infinitum and have modified it very little since.