Kronal Vessel Viewer (KVV) - Exploded ship view

Kronal Vessel Viewer (KVV) - Exploded ship view


Plugin that creates blue-print-like images (into your <KSP Root>Screenshots/ directory) from the KSP Editor (VAB/SPH).  Now with Control Dials & GUI Button (bottom right Corner Labeled 'KVV') thanks to /u/El_Padina.  As featured in Scott Manley's Video.

Once the panel is up click 'Part Config' button and check the items you wish to 'explode apart' or 'Offset'.  Once you've checked 'Offset checkboxes' and you enter a value between 3 and 0.1 (3(or higher)-0.1(minimum) click the 'Offset View' button.  Once you have set your configuration settings you can toggle the broken apart view by clicking 'Offset View' and 'Revert' buttons respectively.

If you are 'Exploded/Offset' the Save & Exit buttons are disabled.  Ensure that you click 'Revert' so that you can Save/Exit the Editor.

Originally created by kronal as posted in the KSP forums.

I only removed the parts and got the exploded view working again for 0.24.2

Original 0.23 Git here by Kronal

My Git is Forked here

v0.0.4 - Pitch Perfect

  • Background colour sliders (white is no longer the only background colour render option) located under 'Blue Print'
  • Blue Print Shader is now disabled by default
    • 'Blue Print shader' was causing the issue with the white rendering lines and off colouring in the bottom left corner
    • Background colour controls are now available under 'Blue Print' which will eventually become 'Background' or 'Canvas'
  • UI Adjustments
    • Shadow Control Dial (experimental)
    • Bigger buttons
    • Moved Orthographic Button
    • Changed 'Exploded' references to 'Offset'
    • Image quality can now be controlled with a dial
  • Git deckblad (KSP forums mrBlaQ) resolved:
    • Shadow Rendering Control
    • Adjusted Camera Positioning
    • Improved Camera Controls
    • Part Option for Clamps
    • Procedural fairings bug fixes
      • Existing bug still exists where you must select minimum 4 fairings to hide 'Front Half'
    • Edge Detect shader adjustment
  • To Install:
    • Replace all Existing GameData/KronalUtils/ files (.DLL & KronalUtils/edn shader changed but be sure replace everything)
    • No Dependancies
  • To Build/Compile:

v0.0.3 - mrBlaQ

  • GUI Window Click trap implmented. (Thanks Git M4V for directing me here)
  • Git deckblad (KSP forums mrBlaQ) resolved:
    • Fixed white lines issue by restricting image size to 4096px (max any dimension)
    • Made all renders Jump Up to 4096px. This creates higher quality renders with smaller craft.
  • Nils Daumann (Git Slin) was kind enough to change the license on the fxaa shader.
  • To Install:
    • Replace all Existing GameData/KronalUtils/ files (.DLL & KronalUtils/fxaa shader changed but be sure replace everything)
    • No Dependancies