Kronal Vessel Viewer (KVV) - Exploded ship view

Kronal Vessel Viewer (KVV) - Exploded ship view


Flashing and freezes

jacrify opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I can't seem to get this to work. I'm using 0.25 unmodded (for the purposes of the test) steam install , on a mac (yosemite).

The preview shows one picture of my ship, then starts flashing slowly, flickering each time back to a slightly smaller picture of the ship. CPU usage climbs, and the game has to be killed.

Turning off autopreview doesn't help. Clicking on "screenshot" produces an empty file in the screenshot directory.

I'd love to get this to work. At least one other person has this issue (Who were you, spacelaunchsystem? What did you see?!)

Player.log link showing freeze:

Let me know if you want me to try something/get more logs.



Could you send a output_log.txt? It should be in KSP_Data(64x).

Do you have this problem on 32 bit?


Thanks for replying.

I'm on mac. My understanding (based on this ) is that:
a) all Mac KSP installs are 32 bit
b) There is no output_log.txt on mac, instead there is the Player.log I've linked above.


It looks like your memory is maxed out.

When you create an image try reducing the quality. If you are on a Laptop see if you can run in performance mode instead of efficiency. This isn't a bug but a result of resources not be available. While I see you have 1.5 gig allocated to your video RAM it might be that other resources are needed. The crash report does indicate that the crash is from KVV but the error comes from the part where generating the image causes the crash (which is Unity).

Otherwise there isn't any code that will fix this issue.