Kronal Vessel Viewer (KVV) - Exploded ship view

Kronal Vessel Viewer (KVV) - Exploded ship view


Up/down rotation fails if root part rotated (VAB)

wisq opened this issue · 7 comments


I tend to rotate my ships 90 degrees to face east for takeoff, and this confuses KVV. The up/down rotation buttons appear to do nothing, and I thought maybe they were deliberately disabled or throwing exceptions, but now I think it's just that KVV gets the axes wrong and is "rotating" but doing nothing.

Reproduceable by taking a command pod and rotating it ninety degrees (either way). May need to save+load to reinit KVV. Definitely does not work if you load a 90-rotated ship, but seems to be okay if I rotate the ship after loading, before starting KVV.


@wisq ,
Thanks for the bug report. Could you send me a craft file? Are you updated to the newest version of KVV? The 0.25 is not compatible with the 0.90 version.

I recently tested the controls when I did the patch I didn't notice anything weird. I think it might make more sense if I see what you are working with.


Okay, will investigate this tonight. From memory, my experience was that I could lay down a command pod, rotate it with Q/E, fire up KVV, and left/right rotation would work but up/down would do nothing. But I'll confirm the specifics and attach a craft file of an affected vessel.


Okay, so the above is correct.

Craft file:

YouTube video of bug being reproduced:

  • New ship, simple command pod mk1.
  • KVV initially rotates fine.
  • I grab part, rotate using Q/E, put down again.
  • KVV now rotates up/down weirdly (slowly, wrong axis).
  • Save craft, load craft.
  • KVV now does not rotate up/down at all.

And a second ship, the one I attached:

  • New ship, same as above.
  • Rotate before launching KVV.
  • KVV now behaves as it did after loading, i.e. can't rotate up/down at all.

Not shown:

  • If I grab the ship and rotate it back to normal (Q/E), it now immediately rotates correctly in KVV, no save/load needed.

Oh, and, modlist available on demand, but it's 80+ long, so I'm not including it unless you want it. :)


Oh. It occurs to me that I never did actually confirm I have your version of the mod and not just some other random version. Is yours the one that's on CKAN?


@wisq ,
THANKS for the detail! That video is very helpful

CKAN? No I haven't submitted to CKAN yet. It might be pulling the Kerbal Stuff Page. It is possible that CKAN is not installing it correctly. However it'd cause it not to work at all.

I'm sure its a legit bug. I've been suspecting there are glitches because of the new gizmo system.


(oops, posted with my work account, heh — reposting with right account to keep things sane)

Cool, glad to help.

It mainly only seems to affect ships that face east/west, but facing north/south seems fine. Or at least, I think that's the case. What I know for certain is that ships default to facing north and I default them facing east because, well, easterly orbits are the normal way. And KVV doesn't like my eastern rockets, but is perfectly happy once I turn them north (and south, too, I think).

Anyway, once I figured out the problem, it was pretty easy to just rotate them before taking top/bottom shots. I've been using KVV shots extensively in my blog series (e.g. ) and loving them.