KSP Space Plane Construction and Operation

KSP Space Plane Construction and Operation


Space plane models deliviered with this documentation are obsolete in 0.25/0.90 since many old space plane parts were removed or replaced by new parts. Construction principles and operation remain the same though except that now you don't need to remove gear bays anymore to get the alignments/balance right. Update currently on hold due to upcoming new aerodynamic model and aircraft parts for KSP 1.0.

Offers in depth coverage of space plane construction and operation in stock KSP with special respect to transport space planes and career mode in KSP version 0.24.x. Lots of checklists for quick reference for building space planes as well as for typical operations such as how to get a space plane to LKO, rendezvous and docking.

Lots of images illustrate and support the descriptions and reference tables help to successfully plan and construct own space planes.

Links to many craft file examples for planes mentioned in the documentation provide a resource for well designed and balanced crafts of varying sizes for payloads up to more than 90t into LKO as well as some other space planes such as small drones and shuttles and all of them for just stock KSP.

Archive Contents:

  • Documentation as PDF-File
  • Craft File Examples

Version History

1.03 - 2014-08-20

  • Added Oldsmobile, Ouzel, Jetrocket, Kopter and Dragonfly samples, total of 28 samples now
  • Added chapters about VTOL construction, operation and checklists
  • Modified folder structure below KSP version in ZIP-file to better match save game structure of KSP.
  • Added Jet Engine Simulation Bug
  • Added feature request for selective CoT tool in SPH/VAB

1.02 - 2014-08-17

  • Added more small and medium transport space planes
  • Added some VTOL (space) planes
  • Heavily improved document navigation - chapter titles are now links and a back to content link on each page

1.01 - 2014-08-14

  • Added new craft file examples now totaling 9 space planes
  • Added craft files to zip file
  • Added description how to copy craft files
  • Added chapter about asymmetric thrust