[Legacy Download] KerBalloons

[Legacy Download] KerBalloons


Complete reboot of KerBalloons here

Currently the balloons are inflated by button/action group.
As the air pressure around the balloon decreases the balloon expands, and as a result the lift decreases (as shown in the graphs below).
When the balloons expand to their limit, they burst. The one pictured currently bursts at pressures below 4kPa.
Planned Release Content
Release 1 - Concept release
1 size balloon

Release 2 - More parts
More, different sized balloons
Small electric propellers to control bigger balloons
Some smaller, lighter science parts
A small service bay

Release 3 - Contracts
Various contracts for the balloons

Release 4 - Tethering
Balloons can be tethered to the ground

More info on the Dev Thread

Source Code