


This mod is designed to reflect on a number of real world medical experiments that are helping astronauts to live longer and healthier in space and on Earth.

Some of the ideas behind the individual experiments came from Natacha Chough, an Aerospace medical resident and ER doctor. THANK YOU!

The MECO logo is Copyright Jen Sheer / The Space Tweep Society and used with permission. I'm a proud member.

About: The Space Tweep Society is a group of space enthusiasts on Twitter from a variety of backgrounds. Our ranks include NASA and other space program employees, astronomers, journalists, astrophysicists, scientists, educators, and space geeks. Our mission is to promote enthusiasm for all things space and to unite those inside the space industry with those who are outside looking in. Contact us by using the contact form on the site:

From one of our members:

Where in the world do space nuts go
to follow the wave of laminar flow?

The edge of space in real time
sharing thoughts, surreal, sublime

Ride the slipstream, come and see
The Space Tweep Society

by @negativereturn

Our mascot is Meco, the birdonaut you see in our logo. He was named after the acronym MECO, which stands for Main Engine Cut-Off, a critical point in rocket launches.