Mios System Mod

Mios System Mod


The Mios System Mod currently adds one planet with two of it's own moons between the orbits of Dres and Duna. This is my first mod so please, constructive criticism is very much welcome!

Mios, featuring an atmosphere and equatorial ocean

Mios is a medium sized planet orbiting just past Duna. It's equator is covered in a blue ocean, whereas it's poles feature massive icecaps comparable to Duna's. Around it orbits a ring system, as well as two moons.


Glac, Mios' small icy moon

Glac is a tiny moon with barely any gravity. Despite this, it has somehow maintained a very spherical shape. It's icy surface is cracked, and it is fated to eventually break apart and become part of Mios' rings.


Serc, Mios' odd oblate moon

Serc orbits much farther from Mios than Glac does. It also rotates around Mios and it's own axis in the wrong direction. It's retrograde motion and strange composition suggests it is a captured moon.
