Agena and Jr docking port issue
malkuth1974 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
You may want to look into that agena contract because I had the same issue as bluemoon. The JR docking port wasn't recognized and I ended up comping the contract via the debug menu.
Also, if i could make a suggestion. The skylab contract requires very specific parts. Unfortunately, the stock part revamp mod replaced the required solar panel with a different named part So the only way I can complete it is to comp it manually once I've completed it (in spirit anyways).
Perhaps having its criteria being the solar module instead instead of a specific named part might be a better alternative? The same could be said of the science lab module so mod science labs could count. Anyways, just a thought.
I tried to mod the mission config for my personal use but couldn't find it. Did you move away from config files for the missions?