Mission Controller 2

Mission Controller 2



MissionController 2 is the successor to the original Mission Controller. Once Kerbal Space Program released its own contracts I decided to drop development of the original mission controller and develop a system based off the KSP contract system. The following code is a complete Rewrite and original work of Malkuth. The only thing Mission Controller and MissionController 2 share is the name.

##New Contract Types:

*1. You can Build your own contracts in game using the Mission Controller Mission Builder.. All in game. Want to send 6 kerbals to Duna? Well make a contract and than send it to the Finance committee and see a company pick up your mission and pay you!

*2. Satellite missions. Mission Controller has its own satellite missions that give you a lot more investment into doing them. Set up your satellites to your customers demands.. Than launch them into space, if you set up your satellite correctly you get paid! The missions themselves include many tpyes, including Setting up a Network of Satellites.

*3. Mission controller has its own science parts! Ion Scanner and Spectrometer Scanner. And a Repair panel.

*4. Repair Contracts. Sending up all those satellites and than forgetting them? Well mission controller fixes this issue by giving you repair contracts from customers to fix deployed satellites.

*5. Repair Station contracts: Those stations also can have issues arise.. Now you can get contracts to EVA on your station to conduct repairs.. Just like real life NASA and International Space Station!

*6. Rover Missions + Early Campaign missions to help offset early game.

*7. Disable vanilla Contracts for they don't show up, to help clean up your contracts.. Than bring them back later if you want!

*8. Revert have you down.. Does it feel like cheating? Well mission controller has its own revert button that cost you money to use.. Don't feel guilty about using revert ever again. Its based off % cost of your total vessel cost!

##Mission Controller Non Cheat Revert Button

During flight if you look up at the Default tool bar you will see a big red button. This button is the Mission Controller Revert button. Unlike the cheaty pumpkin eatin KSP revert button, press this and you will get a revert option back to VAB. But you will be charged 1000 Funds for the Time the button had to waste sending you back to VAB. Use this as your TEST button. And don't feel ashamed!

Customize your experience.

Pretty much everything in MissionController 2 has a setting you can adjust. You can turn on and off any contract type in the Mod. And also can turn off and on some of Kerbal Space Programs Contracts you might not like.


When installing new version I highly suggest you do these steps to reset your contracts.

  1. Alt-F12
  2. Select Contracts tab.
  3. Select Tools.
  4. Select Clear Current contracts.
  5. This will wipe any old contracts and refresh the whole list.

To Install Mission Controller

To install new version I highly suggest you delete your old MissionControllerEC folder! And install the new version fresh! This helps to make sure everyone is on an even playing field with issues. You can now set up your Settings in game, so this should not be a big deal. Its highly recomended! Please.

place the MissionControllerEC folder into you KerbalSpaceProgram/GameData folder.

Note on 64 Bit. I test MCE in 64 bit and play it fine. But when I add more mods to my games, things go bad for 64 bit KSP. I highly suggest you play a massive modded KSP in 32 bit only! If it doesn't work in 64 Bit Go To 32Bit. Thank you.