Possible incorrect calculation of funds in RepairContracts.cs
etmoonshade opened this issue ยท 2 comments
In MCEContracts\RepairContracts.cs, I noticed the following:
(edit: Tried enclosing the following in code brackets, and it made an utter mess of it.)
if (maxApA <= 120000)
base.SetFunds(20000 * HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams<MCE_IntergratedSettings3>().MCEContractPayoutMult, 71000f * HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams<MCE_IntergratedSettings3>().MCEContractPayoutMult, 150000f * HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams<MCE_IntergratedSettings3>().MCEContractPayoutMult, targetBody);
base.SetReputation(20f, 25f, targetBody);
if (maxApA > 120000 && maxApA <= 1000000)
base.SetFunds(25000 * HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams<MCE_IntergratedSettings3>().MCEContractPayoutMult, 95000f * HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams<MCE_IntergratedSettings3>().MCEContractPayoutMult, 210000f * HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams<MCE_IntergratedSettings3>().MCEContractPayoutMult, targetBody);
base.SetReputation(20f, 25f, targetBody);
if (maxApA > 30000)
base.SetFunds(2500 * HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams<MCE_IntergratedSettings3>().MCEContractPayoutMult, 35000 * HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams<MCE_IntergratedSettings3>().MCEContractPayoutMult, 35000 * HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams<MCE_IntergratedSettings3>().MCEContractPayoutMult, targetBody);
base.SetReputation(20f, 25f, targetBody);
It looks like that last "if" statement will basically overwrite nearly ANY repair contract, even in stock? Not that I remember what the
atmosphere height in stock is anymore. :V
Now that I look at the atmosphere height in stock (70km,) I'm not even sure WHAT this was supposed to catch. It also looks like any contract with a target ApA of more than 1Mm would result in undefined behavior?
It's entirely possible that I'm misreading how this works, and there's something I don't understand. I figured I'd point this out just in case though - I was looking for something else, stumbled across this, and thought it looked odd.
ya it should be 300,000. Not sure what I was doing here. it all needs to be redone.