MK-1 Stockalike open cockpit (inline external seat)

MK-1 Stockalike open cockpit (inline external seat)



Before update from beta 0.9 delete all mod files (NESDparts folder inside GameData)

Folder structure in mod changed and you possibly can have glitches !!!

This "cockpit" not a cockpit literally, it's just a external seat in MK-1 size part

Maybe i make it with internal space later

Mod include 6 parts

  • Cockpit (open in "Aviation" stage)
  • Small windscreen  (open in "Aviation" stage)
  • Big windscreen   (open in "Aerodynamics" stage)
  • Headrest  (open in "Aerodynamics" stage)

New parts: Drone core and Support module


small windscreen and headrest is only decorative parts, but big windscreen

have collision volume bigger than it's size and sometimes can protect pilot

from reentry overheating ( at some angles )

Current Version: 1.0