Parts List:
MK3 Cockpit, Materials Refit
Mk3 2.5m Adapter
Mk3 Shielded Control Nosecone
Mk3 Extended Crew Module
Mk3 Extended Cargo Bay
Mk3 Extended Main Engine Mount/Fuel Tank
Mk3 stock jetfuel tank refit (placeholder)
Mk3 stock Mk2 adapter refit (placeholder)
(Beta 2)
Experimental Docking Port Nosecone
Experimental Shuttle Tail
Mk3 Extended Fuel Tank
Mk3 Refit Cockpit (A non-Squad version that won't be affected by the 0.25 patch)
- Fixed smoothing and collision for Rear Tank.
- added texture changes by Lack (bulkhead doors & window tint)
Installation Instructions:
Place the MP_Nazari folder and ModuleManager dll file in your GameData folder.
Dev thread